Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Barack's Strategy

Barack's attempts to damage John McCain's status on international affairs and patriotism are likely to backfire. First, Wes Clark went on Sunday morning TV to suggest that John McCain's military experience doesn't qualify him for the presidency. Then, on Monday, Obama adviser Rand Beers argued that since McCain spent five years as a POW, he didn't really experience the war in Viet Nam.
"I think that the notion that the members of the Senate who were in the ground forces or who were ashore in Vietnam have a very different view of Vietnam ... than John McCain does because he was in isolation essentially for many of those years and did not experience the turmoil here or the challenges that were involved for those of us who served in Vietnam during the Vietnam war."
It seems to me that the more you prompt the media to tell the story of McCain's more than five years as a prisoner, the more you hurt Barack, who has no experience that would qualify him for the job of Commander in Chief. It might just motivate veterans to get mad and fight back against Barack.
"So I think, to some extent, his national security experience in that regard is sadly limited and I think it is reflected in some of the ways that he thinks about how U.S. forces might be committed to conflicts around the world."
This strategy is so bizarre that it makes you think it might be part of a plan to anger McCain enough to get him to flip out. But McCain seems to be taking it in stride.
"I think that that kind of thing is unnecessary," ... "I am proud of my record of service and I have plenty of friends and leaders who will attest to that."

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