Sunday, August 24, 2008

Too Old?

Are these Democrats just too old for the job? Neither seems able to get his lines right!

Obama Misspeaks, Calls Biden 'The Next President'; Biden Calls Obama 'Barack America'

You can see the video down on the previous post.
When introducing his running mate, Obama said, "So let me introduce to you the next president - the next vice president of the US of America, Joe Biden."

And then when it was Biden's turn to speak, the Delaware senator called the presumptive Democratic nominee "Barack America" instead of Barack Obama.

"My friends, I don't have to tell you, this election year the choice is clear. One man stands ready to deliver change we desperately need. A man I’m proud to call my friend. A man who will be the next president of the United States, Barack America,” Biden said, per ABC News' Sunlen Miller.

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