Wednesday, August 13, 2008

All Georgians

John McCain continues to capitalize on events in Georgia.

McCain considers himself a close friend and fervent supporter of Saakashvili and Georgia, and has taken a hard line against Russia since hostilities between the two countries began last week. He told a town hall meeting here today that Russia's aggression had ominous implications.

Even as Barack continues to look not ready for prime time.

"We must make clear to Russian leaders that the benefits they enjoy from being part of the civilized world require respect for the values, stability and peace of that world.''

A McCain spokeswoman said McCain initiated today's call, but that the two men speak frequently.

McCain told the audience that Saakashvili "knows that the thoughts and prayers and support of the American people are with that brave little nation as they struggle today for their freedom and independence. He wanted me to say thank you, to give you his heartfelt thanks for the support of the American people."

McCain said he told him "that I know I speak for every American when I say to him today, we are all Georgians.''

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