Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bayh's War Record

Can Evan Bayh be seriously considered as Barack's running mate? Considering that Bayh voted in favor of war with Iraq, it would seem unlikely.
Mr. Bayh, a cautious Indiana Democrat, acknowledged it had not been an easy
decision. “There is reluctance in my heart, as I know there is in the other senators, to contemplate the use of force,” Mr. Bayh said, adding that he concluded “we were
simply left with no other credible alternative to protect the safety and
well-being of the American people.”

If Barack is to adequately feign being an honest politician, how can Bayh be in the running?

Bayh was a popular two-term governor who could make Indiana, typically rock-solid Republican in presidential contests, a competitive state and appeal to blue-collar Democrats who have been slow to embrace Mr. Obama.
Is that all it takes for Barack to betray his anti-war supporters once again?
Mr. Bayh’s support of authorizing force in Iraq stands in sharp contrast to Mr.
Obama’s oft-stated view that he showed the good judgment to oppose the conflict
from the start. After his vote, Mr. Bayh in early 2003 joined Mr. McCain as an
honorary co-chairman of the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, which made
regime change in Iraq its central cause.

How will the anti-war crowd feel about taking it to the chin again from Barack?

Eli Pariser, the executive director of the antiwar group MoveOn.org, said that Mr. Obama had a variety of factors to weigh in making a choice and that he was not ready to say that Mr. Bayh should be ruled out because of his views at the start of the war.
“We are not going to get into which particular person is good or bad,” Mr. Pariser said.

Once again, it's 'win at any cost' for the good government crowd.

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