Thursday, August 7, 2008

To Know Him is to...

You remember the saying, "There are two sides to every coin?"

Barack has been the beneficiary of excessive media coverage. He's been their rock star, their inspiration, their motivational speaker. That's what gave him the ability, along with some well calculated policy manipulations, to beat Hillary.
The Pew Research Center reports that Obama's mush-discussed "media dominance may not be working in his favor." A Pew poll conducted over the last few days found that almost half -- 48% -- of those surveyed said "they have been hearing too much about Obama lately."
How about, "Familiarity breeds contempt?"
According to the Pew pollsters, "by a slight, but statistically significant margin -- 22% to 16% -- people say that recently they have a less rather than more favorable view of the putative Democratic nominee."
Voters, not surprisingly, feel that they haven't heard enough about John McCain.
Just 26% in the poll said they had heard too much about McCain, while a larger number (38%) reported that they had heard too little about the putative Republican candidate."
All of which means, perhaps, that it's good news for Barackophiles that the Democrat is going to Hawaii for a week-long vacation on Friday.
The report by the Pew Center for the People and the Press shows that Obama is more visible to the public than McCain by 76 to 11 percent, but that exposure could be working against him, the research center reports.
We'll just have to see if "absence makes the heart grow fonder," or if initial excitement about Barack naturally wanes as one gets to know him.

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