Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Barack's Best Chance

Barack is unelectable - except for one thing. As noted previously on this page, he's good at being lucky.
Presumed Republican presidential nominee John McCain, who has a history of dangerous melanomas, had a spot of skin removed from his face today, his campaign said.
It's entirely unlikely that an unknown quantity like Barack, with no leadership experience and a checkered collection of allies - including links to anti-American radicalism - two Muslim fathers, a Muslim sounding name and a groundbreaking racial configuration can capture the hearts of America, even given the huge structural advantage that any Democrat enjoys today.
The patch of skin was removed from McCain's right cheek during a routine checkup in Arizona, the candidate said. In 2000, an invasive melanoma was removed from the senator's left temple.
Which presents Barack with his best chance to win - a catastrophic event that torpedoes the viability of the McCain campaign. Like a diagnosis of cancer.
McCain denied there were any serious problems when he discussed the procedure at a campaign stop in Bakersfield.
Which would be just the sort of luck that's gotten Barack this far.

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