Wednesday, July 16, 2008

What Happened to the Mainstreams?

The first story I've seen in the Mainstream Media that mentioned Barack's website having been revamped on Iraq came from the New York Daily News - 8 hours after we told you here at Barack's White Lies. Power to the blogosphere.

Monday, July 14th 2008, 8:10 PM

WASHINGTON - Barack Obama's campaign scrubbed his presidential Web site over the weekend to remove criticism of the U.S. troop "surge" in Iraq, the Daily News has learned.

The presumed Democratic nominee replaced his Iraq issue Web page, which had described the surge as a "problem" that had barely reduced violence.

"The surge is not working," Obama's old plan stated, citing a lack of Iraqi political cooperation but crediting Sunni sheiks - not U.S. military muscle - for quelling violence in Anbar Province.

Unfortunately, they only discussed the surge purge, and didn't highlight the fact that Barack had abandoned his anti-war, pull the troops out on an arbitrary schedule, stance - which I believe to be a huge story that totally undermines Barack's credibility as an anti-war candidate, and as an agent of change.

Obama's campaign posted a new Iraq plan Sunday night, which cites an "improved security situation" paid for with the blood of U.S. troops since the surge began in February 2007.

It praises G.I.s' "hard work, improved counterinsurgency tactics and enormous sacrifice."

Campaign aide Wendy Morigi said Obama is "not softening his criticism of the surge. We regularly update the Web site to reflect changes in current events."

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