Saturday, July 12, 2008

It's Even

Rasmussen now shows the race for president as a dead heat.

The race for the White House is tied. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows Barack Obama and John McCain each attract 43% of the vote. When "leaners" are included, Obama holds a statistically insignificant 47% to 46% advantage. Today is the first time that McCain’s support has moved above 45% since Obama clinched the nomination on June 3. It’s also the first time the candidates have been tied since Obama clinched the Democratic nomination (see recent daily results).

McCain hits a new high, pulls the race to even, and this while all we read is that McCain get his campaign going. So, imagine what's going to happen when he finally puts the pedal to the metal!

For most of the past month-and-a-half, Obama has led McCain by approximately five percentage points. It remains to be seen whether this recent tightening of the race reflects real change or is merely statistical noise. Check out our weekly review—What They Told Us—to see what was on voters’ minds this past week.

This is on the heals of the Newsweek poll showing a 3% Barack lead after last month showing Barack up 15%. Gallup shows the race as a 4 point Obama lead.

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