Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cheap Crystal

Want a sure fire way to anger people who are mad about your betrayal of values you claimed were important during the primary season? Just tell them that your position changes aren't changes at all!
"This whole notion that I am shifting to the center or flip-flopping on this, that and the other ... the people who say this apparently haven't been listening to me," he said, describing himself as "progressive and squarely in the Democratic camp."
It's not that folks don't think you're progressive, Barack. They just think you care more about winning than principles. Denying the obvious doesn't do much to comfort them. Take, for example, your commitment to pull troops out of Iraq in 16 months without regard for circumstances on the ground.
"I have been as crystal clear now as I was a year ago as I was six months ago that we will get out of Iraq carefully, deliberately, at a pace that is safe for our troops," Obama said, citing estimates that would bring troops home "at the pace of one to two brigades per month."
Yup. You've been crystal clear, which is why nobody can figure out what you're position is.
"My position has not changed at all, and what I have also repeatedly said is that as commander in chief, obviously I'd be listening to recommendations of generals on the ground but it is my job as commander in chief to set up a strategy. It's their job to execute tactics."
Just as a refresher, here is Barack's Iraq position from his website:
Obama will immediately begin to remove our troops from Iraq. He will remove one to two combat brigades each month, and have all of our combat brigades out of Iraq within 16 months.
What about the commanders' opinions? What about if it's not safe for our troops?
Obama has a plan to immediately begin withdrawing our troops engaged in combat operations at a pace of one or two brigades every month, to be completed by the end of next year.
Crystal Clear. Remember who used that phrase all the time?

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