Monday, July 28, 2008

Short Bounce

Barack's bounce appears to be fading already. Yesterday, he had a 5 point lead from Rasmussen and a 9 point lead from Gallup, but today offers a different picture.

Gallup has dropped, but just one point, to an 8% lead for Barack. But Rasmussen goes back to 3% for Obama.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Monday shows that Barack Obama’s Berlin bounce is fading. Obama now attracts 45% of the vote while John McCain earns 42%. When "leaners" are included, it’s Obama 48% and McCain 45%. Both Obama and McCain are viewed favorably by 56% of voters.
But here's the most remarkable news. Another Gallup poll, done for USA Today, shows McCain in the lead!!!
Republican presidential candidate John McCain moved from being behind by 6 points among "likely" voters a month ago to a 4-point lead over Democrat Barack Obama among that group in the latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll. McCain still trails slightly among the broader universe of "registered" voters. By both measures, the race is tight.
That's a 10 point swing in just a month - and, these numbers were collected Friday thru Sunday, when Barack was at the peak of his Overseas Buzz. Which puts Barack into very tight territory in the Real Clear Politics average of current polls.
With today's Rasmussen and Gallup tracking both ticking down for Obama (-2 and -1, respectively) and a new Dem Corps poll showing Obama up five, the new RCP National Average has Obama's lead over McCain dipping to 3.2%.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anyone in the US who has not been sleeping for the last 6 months should realize that Obama should not be the head of ANYTHING in this country. He is a COMMUNIST. His rehearsed speech to the crowd in Berlin(which was a definite political move, and a dumb one for sure)is proof.
Wake up America...maybe you already have, with the exception of a few states, one being MA. What is wrong with the people in the state of MA? Is the state filled with more public employees and unions than the others? The taxpayers of MA, are they just more stupid than the rest?