Sunday, July 20, 2008

Does His Reflection Fit?

A presidential candidate is supposed to get bigger on the national stage. That doesn't mean his head should, too.
That's how Joan Vennochi, columnist for the Boston Globe, wraps up her attack on the man the McCain campaign internally refers to as, "The One." Here's how she starts it.
JUST LIKE the Obama girl, Obama has a crush on Obama.

Barack Obama always was a larger-than-life candidate with a healthy ego. Now he's turning into the A-Rod of politics. It's all about him.
In between comes a recap of the evidence that Barack's reflection doesn't fit in the mirror. There is, though, one thought I hadn't considered, so I thank Joan for that. It is the notion that McCain is the perfect antidote for the poison of ego - just in case Barack's sense of himself as "historical" starts to grate on voters.

But McCain has one thing going for him: the appearance of modesty.

Part of it is physical. McCain is stiff and awkward, the result of age and injuries from his years as a prisoner of war. That, too, is a contrast to Obama's sleek physique, the consequence of youth and a George W. Bush-like passion for working out.

But with McCain, there's also the sense of a man who made mistakes in life and acknowledges them.

It's a quick read if you're in the mood.

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