Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Poor, Tired Barack

Would they ever write one of these for McCain?

Obama shows signs of being trail-weary

If they thought McCain human enough to write about, the title for the GOP candidate might be "Aging McCain has trouble keeping up on long grind," or "McCain worn down by young opponent."
He hasn't had a vacation for months. He sees his family little more than once a week. And now as the presumed Democratic nominee for president, he can't go anywhere without being trailed by a full crew of journalists.
Poor Barack!
Reaching his limit, Barack Obama wriggled free of the campaign's fetters on July 4. Caught in Montana on his daughter Malia's 10th birthday, he improvised a party.
Poor, Poor Barack!
At the Holiday Inn Express in Butte, a city known for its copper mines and bordellos of old, Obama and family ordered a cake.
How does a family enjoy cake in the middle of Bitterland?
"I know it sounds corny, but last night was actually one of those times where being in a Holiday Inn in Butte without a lot of fanfare. . . . I don't know whether she was just telling us what we wanted to hear, but I can tell you from my perspective it was one of the best times I've had in a long time," Obama told reporters aboard his campaign plane. Then he quickly turned and went back to his seat.
Poor Barack.

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