Sunday, June 15, 2008

Birth Certificate Revisited

The great birth certificate controversy - the Obama campaign's refusal to release his in response to media requests - apparently ended this week, but I've been waiting to post on the resolution until the facts became clear.
There's an official certification of Democrat Barack Obama's birth posted over at the liberal website Daily Kos. Site founder Markos Moulitsas Zuniga says he asked the campaign for the document and they gave it to him.
Why does it make its appearance on a radical loony tune site when the mainstream media had reportedly been rebuffed in its attempts to get a copy?
It's authentic enough to satisfy Jim Geraghty, a blogger at the conservative Campaign Spot who has suggested release of the document to debunk various rumors about Obama's name and place of birth.
There's something odd about the entire caper, but sadly, there doesn't appear to be any exciting subplot here, and the affair appears to be over. Why was the birth certificate withheld? Is this the Obama campaign toying with the media? Why was it released to a moonbat blog? These questions, I fear, will be left unanswered.

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