Wednesday, June 18, 2008

What's Up With Huck

Barack's campaign seems to have lost its growth potential ever since Americans got their first glimpse into his character with the Reverend Wright affair. Despite his natural appeal and his ability to absolutely inspire on the campaign trail, Barack's support is static even as a tidal wave of anti-republican sentiment threatens to reconfigure Washington.

With Wright just one piece of a puzzle that completes an unappealing portrait of the people Barack associated himself with to achieve his quick rise to power, the Wright affair must be revisited and told in full - along with the stories of Bill Ayers, Bernadette Dohrn, Reverend Pfleger, Tony Rezko and the rest of the Obamafia.

So what is Mike Huckabee talking about?
Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee warned members of his party that any attempt to undermine presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama by ``demonizing'' him would backfire.
Getting the truth out about Barack will let people see that they'd be crazy to elect him dog catcher, let alone president.
``The Republicans will make a fundamental, if not fatal mistake, if they seek to win the election by demonizing Barrack Obama,'' Huckabee told reporters in Tokyo. ``Don't underestimate the extraordinary, substantive moment that Barack Obama's nomination represents in our country.''
While it's true that Barack's candidacy represents a transformational moment, it is a moment of import mostly for minorities, college kids, and suburban elites whose affluence has left them as insulated and naive as the college professors who also get high on hope.

The fatal mistake would be a failure to develop an accurate story of who Barack is - a man who was raised in an elite intellectual background, has surrounded himself with radicals and miscreants, and who is so ruthless in his pursuit of power that he hasn't invested any time to develop the most minimal sort of experience that might qualify him, someday, for the presidency.

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