Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hillary to Appear

Hillary will join Barack on the campaign trail.
Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will make a joint appearance in Washington next week before major Cllinton fundraisers to bolster support for the presumptive Democratic nominee among his former rival's backers, said a source familiar with the planning.
She's keeping her part of the deal. What's she get in return?
The two candidates also are looking at dates for a joint public appearance soon, the source said.
Hillary's people haven't been happy with Barack.
Several backers of the New York senator took offense in particular at the Obama campaign's decision to name as the chief of staff to the vice presidential nominee Pattie Solis Doyle, a former Clinton campaign manager ousted in February, interpreting the move as a slap at Clinton and a signal she would not be chosen as the running mate.
But Hillary will do what she feels she has to do to get what she wants.

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