Monday, June 2, 2008

More on Barack's Radicalism

Hot Air has a good recap of Barack's ties to radicalism. If you're interested in seeing videos of Bernadine Dohrn and other more familiar America haters who Barack is tight with, I'd suggest looking over this post, teased below:

... the four people with which Obama chose to associate in Chicago all have the same diagnosis: anti-Americanism. For all of them, America is the greatest evil in the world, and for Dohrn and Ayers, an enemy to be destroyed. Four data points stops being a coincidence and starts being a pattern.

Pfleger’s latest rant also shows that Trinity United hasn’t gotten a bad rap. Listen to this audience cheer Pfleger when he calls America the “greatest sin against God”. They completely buy into that assessment, which belies any rationalization Obama gives for remaining a member of this church for most of his adult life. He’s backing away from TUCC at warp speed now, but Obama cannot escape the years that he associated himself enthusiastically with America-haters of the most vicious stripe.

And how closely did Obama and Pfleger get? ABC’s Jake Tapper reports:

But Obama’s relationship with Pfleger — who is the priest at a different, Catholic, church — spans decades.

In September, the Obama campaign brought Pfleger to Iowa to host one of several interfaith forums for the campaign. Pfleger has given money to Obama’s campaigns and Obama as a state legislator directed at least $225,000 towards social programs at St. Sabina’s, according to the Chicago Tribune. Pfleger appears to have been scrubbed from the Obama campaign’s page that features the testimony of faith leaders, but you can see the cached version HERE.

Obama liked Pfleger enough to make him part of his presidential campaign, and to put hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars in his pocket to fund this kind of America-hating rhetoric. That says volumes about Obama’s own radicalism, if people bother to listen.

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