Friday, June 13, 2008

World Hearts Barack

One of the fascinating things about the irrational exuberance over Barack's candidacy is the magnitude of the ills expected to be cured simply by handing him the keys to the White House. The radical media in this country is gleefully reporting from around the world a shared desire for Barack to be President. The world will love us again, racial tensions will be cured, a new era of peace and prosperity is sure to follow.
The annual global survey of attitudes by the independent Pew Research Centre shows that the Democratic nominee for the US presidency has won the confidence of people in Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia — and is strongly preferred over his Republican rival, John McCain.
The world is simply gagga! Here's Tom Friedman's story from Egypt.
"While Mr. Obama, who was raised a Christian, is constantly assuring Americans that he is not a Muslim, Egyptians are amazed, excited and agog that America might elect a black man whose father's family was of Muslim heritage," the New York Times columnist writes.
Like Americans in love with Barack, we can assume that those in the international community are more superficial in their analysis than even liberals.
"They don't really understand Mr. Obama's family tree, but what they do know is that if America – despite being attacked by Muslim militants on 9/11 – were to elect as its president some guy with the middle name 'Hussein,' it would mark a sea change in America-Muslim world relations. ...
The obvious response to this is never uttered. If, indeed, the solution to all these perceived dilemmas is as simple as electing someone new, then how real are the problems? If so many can believe so deeply that an unqualified candidate with no track record (except for a willingness to align himself with bigots, bombers and thieves) simply because he is 1) young, 2) eloquent, 3) black, or 4) in possession of a Muslim name, then the tensions within the U.S. and between us and the rest of the world must be pretty superficial, wouldn't you say?
"It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Democrats' nomination of Mr. Obama ... has done more to improve America's image abroad ... than the entire Bush public diplomacy effort for seven years."
Of course, if the job of the president was simply to improve America's image worldwide, I could recommend some very good PR firms.

The point that liberals really have is that Bush is so unpopular that the very fact of his departure will please the world to no end. Which means that virtually anyone, particularly someone with the experience and wisdom of John McCain, would please folks just fine - there's no need to throw the baby out with the bath water. And, of course, credit for this goes to George W. He's taking the heat so that his successor looks like a good guy just for breathing.

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