Saturday, May 3, 2008

Kennedy Depressed?

Ted Kennedy, a vociferous supporter of Barack's presidential bid, sounds surprisingly melancholy about the campaign in today's Boston Herald:
“I’ll be out across the country. We’re beginning to run out of time, but I’ve been campaigning and traveling,” Kennedy (D-Mass) said at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library yesterday.
Beginning to run out of time? Really! What sort of attitude is that, Ted?
“I’m hopeful of what the outcome will be in those states (North Carolina and Indiana), but I think its gonna be a tough battle... I'm very hopeful that he'll get a good response. No one questions that this is a hard-fought race.”
Wow. This gives whole new meaning to the idea of the "politics of hope."
“Barack Obama represents a newer vision. He has been able to bring newer groups into the political process, people that have tired of politics of division, politics of fear and politics of special interests,” Kennedy said.
Yup. That part we know. It's opening the door to the idea that Barack could be stopped that seems a bit odd. He has, I thought, got the thing in the bag.
“My sense about Barack Obama is he still offers the best opportunity for new leadership in this country,” Kennedy said.
Well, don't think the Massachusetts Senator has given up on Barack even if the thrill is gone. His former aide, Paul Kirk, was one of this week's super delegate announcements for Barack.

By the way, Obama's isn't the only campaign with something to fear from a Kennedy. This is what Robert Kennedy, Jr. had to say:
“I am here because I love this woman,” he told a crowd of Clinton supporters in southern Indiana, which holds its presidential nominating primary on Tuesday.
Women are generally best served by ducking when Cupid's arrow is heading their way on behalf of a Kennedy.


Anonymous said...

The fact that Pundit Review recommended your blog should have been a tip-off, but thanks for the laughable political commentary. Are you sure you're qualified to actually be a political pundit?

Todd Feinburg said...

I have my own doubts about that. Could you run through the qualifications for me so I can see if I'm the right guy for the job?