Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Politicizing Faith

Proving he is just like all the politicians that democrats love to hate, Barack Obama is using the same techniques that democrats claim to hate. There's nothing wrong with them, of course, but the willingness of the campaign of Hope to stoop to the cornball, contrived and even the malicious is a wonder to behold.
In Kentucky, he is making a direct appeal to Evangelicals with flyers that mention his conversion experience and they highlight a big old cross. Remember Mike Huckabee’s supposed subliminal cross in his Christmas campaign ad? Well, the Obama campaign ditches the subliminal and goes for the in your face cross.
This is a good way to combat suspicions about Barack - that he is Muslim, or that he doesn't like America much. And it could be the motivation for the McCain campaign taking seriously the idea of Mike Huckabee for a running mate - or at least for leaking that they're seriously considering it.
U.S. News and World Report got things started with a story about an unnamed John McCain fundraiser who reportedly spilled the beans that Huckabee wasn't just a contender for the No. 2 spot on the GOP ticket, but that he was at the top of McCain's list of potential vice-presidential nominees. The fundraiser was reported to have received his information from those who are in McCain's inner circle.

As luck would have it, Bob Novak reported the same day in his syndicated column that as Team McCain tries to make nice with the Evangelical Christians, the campaign is unsure if Huckabee would be more of a help or a hindrance to the base-sewing-up effort. The uneasiness stems from questions surrounding Huckabee's potential to be less concerned with McCain's chances in 2008 and more focused on mounting his own comeback in 2012.
Huckabee is too much the gadfly to be a serious contender for the spot though, isn't he? And not at all the image that McCain needs, as likable as some may find him.

McCain needs someone who Americans can look at and say, "ya, he'd make a good President" as his running mate. In his 50's, popular with conservatives, and without the plastic quality of Mitt Romney.

Any ideas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looking for a veep candidate in his fifties, popular with conservativces and without Mitt's plastic quality? You won't find a perfect candidate in today's fractured political climate. Why not take a look at former Congressman J.C. Watts (R-Ok) or Condi Rice? Although she is not the "he" you're seeking, she'd be an asset to the ticket. She's a female with current foreign policy experience. At least she doesn't cozy up to the enemy like other women have. Congressman Watts has everything it takes -except holding a current position as an elected official. McCain will need to have someone to the right of his record to pull off a win in November. There needs to be a clear choice between the Dem and the GOP tickets. Either of these two candidates would fit the bill.